Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Enjoying our Wednesday

    With this years crazy schedule we hold our Wednesdays in close regard. We get to stay home in our PJ's all day long. We get to rest in the quietness of a day spent alone...together.
   Aghh English class in the hammock. History out on the boulders. Math laying in bed. Hiking up and down the hillsides, drawing and cooking up great concoctions these are the signs of Wednesday. Time to do all our school unrushed and/or undisturbed.  Time to do those extra projects.Time to sleep in just a little. Time to rest in God.
   As I sit here typing Ricky is practicing his man skills in the back yard (archery & throwing knives). Billy playing his drums upstairs. I just finished correcting writing assignments. In a while we will all gather in the living room for a movie and a quiet evening...still sporting our PJs. shhhh hee-heee
   For now I sit in silent contemplation. I am in a season of waiting. Waiting and wondering. What does God want to do? What will he do? When will he do it? Is he doing it now? I know I have been placed here for a reason. Here I will remain until he says otherwise. I drift in eager anticipation. I stop in quiet reflection.

                                     A day to reflect. A day to breathe. 
                                     A day of refreshing restful ease.


Jeff Vincent said...

Such a thing I wish I had not missed. Run here. Run there, go back over here.... oh wait there is something to do yonder. Hey look! There is a squirrel! ;-)

I have missed you all today badly... glad to be home. Now, about that movie....

Vessel said...

Helloooo my friend, I love stay-at-home-days.
Yes, I do have another blog I contribute to. Denise Jones started it with 8 of us who contribute. We use it as a devotion each day. We are supposed to put up a scripture that we choose according to a theme for the week. I really like it. It helps me meditate on that scripture for the day and then to go back and glean some wisdom from the others who comment on it.

How are you and the fam?

Charity Anne said...

Hey Julie
Nice to hear from you! I think it's great that you ladies have found a way to support and uplift each other, what a wonderful idea! We must make some time to meet for pizza or something!